
Understanding Google Algorithm's


ver heard about Google Algorithm's? As a business you should have a reasonable understanding of how it works. "Algorithms are computer programs that look for clues to give the user back exactly what they have searched for ." – Google.

Let's keep your website on top

It's important that you take into consideration what signals Google algorithms use to make your website as efficient as ever. The more 'signals' Google picks up on your website, the more your website will be seen! So pay close attention to this post, if you want to improve your SEO!
There are a number of components to the search process and the results page that Google uses.

A search starts with the web, which is made up of over 60 trillion individual pages that are constantly growing. Google navigates by crawling the web with its spiders. A user writes in what they are searching for and Google spiderss finds relevant pages in relation to that question. These spiders search through billion of pages and links by asking over 200 questions (algorithms) to come back with the best results. They sort pages by their content and other factors. Keep your eyes out for our next post where we look at some of the questions they ask.

• How many times does the page include the keywords
• Are they in the title, URL or directly adjacent
• Does the page include synonyms
• What region is the site
• How fresh is the content
• What's the quality of the website?
• Does it have spam on it
• What's the pages rank
• How many outside links are directed to it
When these answers are collected, the spiders rank the web pages on Google based on how well the pages answered the questions.

Please take note, Google is constantly updating their technologies systems to deliver better results. So many of these questions/algorithms are being restructured and added. It's important as a business that you regularly keep up to date on what's new to keep your website on top.

For example, a recent update on August 6th was that Google announced that they would be giving preference to secure sites, and that adding encryption would provide a "lightweight" rankings boost. Knowing this kind of information can prove very useful for your website. So every now and again key in 'Google Algorithm Changes' and keep up to date!

We hope this post helped you understand the way Google search engines worked! If you need help with your SEO talk to us today. Call 07 5592 2685 or email info@selectmarketing.net.au alternatively visit our website http:/www.seoplans.net.au/.

Thank You!

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